SOPA Client Stories

SOPA program was created to help immigrants arrive prepared through exceptional courses and services.

Every story is different and unique. We hope that you find an inspiration while reading them.

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Four Thousand Miles - A Banking Professional’s Journey from Russia

Four Thousand Miles – A Banking Professional’s Journey from Russia (Part 1)

Natalya is a highly experienced banking professional from Novosibirsk, Russia. She worked as an Account Manager in commercial banking for over six years. She was responsible for performing all kinds...
Arrive Prepared in Manitoba

Arrive Prepared in Manitoba

Watch how our clients arrived prepared in Manitoba. Are you immigrating to Canada? Sign up before arriving to learn about Canadian Job Search Strategies and Workplace Culture Communication. "You don’t...
Small Talk works

Small Talk Works!

One day, shortly after arriving in Edmonton from The Philippines, Ria and her son insisted on taking the bus to a museum instead of waiting for her uncle to drive...
Job Search Strategies = Success 1

Job Search Strategies = Success

Vivek and Manisha decided to move to Canada and chose British Columbia for its beauty, opportunities, and ethnic diversity. They heard about SOPA from Planning For Canada and decided to...
Ella's first job

Ella’s First Job in Canada

It didn’t take long for Ella Oteze to gain employment after landing in Regina. Ella is an industrious and outgoing career Mathematician from Nigeria with over ten years of experience...
Career Potential and Communication Skills

Career Potential and Communication Skills

Mehul Patel, an IT Professional from India, is currently working as a Projects and Account Manager at Vsourz Digital (a web design and e-commerce digital agency) in Toronto, Ontario. Before...
Our Own SOPA Client

Our Own SOPA Client

Our newsletters often have testimonials that explain how SOPA builds a client’s confidence and skills relevant to the Canadian job search and career. One such testimonial came from Manitoba-bound client...

Keys to Job Search Success

SOPA Alberta client Chimezie Ifediniru demonstrated how a positive attitude, good work ethic, realistic expectations and dedication can contribute to a successful job search and workplace integration in Canada. Chimezie,...
First SOPA BC Graduate from China

First SOPA BC Graduate from China

Yue Xu is a professional translator from China who wanted to build her personal network in Canada. Her diverse experience includes translating for government bodies and companies. She took Professional...
How I got a job in Canada

How I Got a Job in Canada

I learned about SOPA thanks to a message board last year and saved the link in my favorites before even receiving my immigration visa. When I received a notification from...