From the Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean: Chandra’s Journey of Transformation
My name is Chandra. Before embarking on my journey to Canada, I spent 14 years in Nepal working as a Human Resources professional in a leading national security organization. My responsibilities encompassed HR management and legal assistance. I hold bachelor’s degrees in science and law and a master’s degree in public administration and sociology. With a dream to transition from HR management to the legal field, I set my sights on Canada. It was a bold move, made possible by my determination to embrace a growth mindset and step out of my comfort zone.
Still, in Nepal, I meticulously crafted my resume and cover letter, aided by the insightful online courses offered by SOPA. My focus for the job was primarily around Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia. Upon arriving in the province, I promptly began my job search and applied for positions. Within six days, I received an interview call and was subsequently hired. All this unfolded within a month. Today, I am a Library Assistant in a public library, and I also work as a Pharmacy Assistant at Shoppers Drug Mart. These achievements were not instantaneous but the fruits of long-term preparation and unwavering dedication. Although these roles are different from my previous one in Nepal, they hold promise and have allowed me to immerse myself in many aspects of Canadian culture, history, and lifestyle.
Accurate information and guidance are vital for newcomers. While getting ready to move to Canada, I used online resources effectively. I discovered SOPA (Settlement Online Pre-Arrival), a program offering invaluable pre-arrival services to immigrants. Inspired by the success stories on its website, I enrolled and completed three facilitated online courses: Complex Conversations, Working with Others, and Job Search Strategies. I worked closely with an employment counsellor and a job search facilitator to navigate all phases of the job-hunting process. These courses transformed my previously unorganized understanding into a focused and strategic approach to achieving success.
Among the courses, Job Search Strategies had the most profound impact, shaping my grasp of the Canadian job market and preparing me effectively. The SOPA Atlantic Team was exceptional; Debra, Intake Counsellor, Cynthia, Job Search Strategies & Cultural Communications Facilitator, and Aleksandra, Employment Counsellor. Without the SOPA courses, my journey would have been far more arduous and disheartening. SOPA provided me with the specific resources I needed to pursue employment in Canada.

In Canada, I often miss traditional Nepali dishes. However, I have come to appreciate that many Canadians were once immigrants themselves, each carrying their own cultural stories. The main difference is that we arrived at different times. Finding a job in a new country is challenging, but I feel fortunate to have secured not one, but two positions. Despite the obstacles, I am content with the outcome.
Chandra Bahadur Shahi
The online courses refined my organizational skills and enabled me to tailor my resume and cover letter to job advertisements. They emphasized the importance of continuously acquiring new skills and training, and integrating them into my resume as part of a long-term employment strategy. The soft skills courses taught important techniques for thriving in the Canadian workplace.
I urge all newcomers to Canada to take at least the Job Search Strategies course. Ideally, you should take as many courses as possible, but this one will help you comprehensively organize your skills and accomplishments. Start preparing and researching while still in your home country, rather than merely dreaming, to ensure a regret-free experience upon your arrival in Canada.
My job search strategy in Canada involved persistently checking different job sites and registering with Indeed, which sent me job notifications. Before my interview, I sought the guidance of a retired librarian who conducted a mock interview with me the day before. Her feedback was invaluable and greatly boosted my confidence.
In Canada, I often miss traditional Nepali dishes. However, I have come to appreciate that many Canadians were once immigrants themselves, each carrying their own cultural stories. The main difference is that we arrived at different times. Finding a job in a new country is challenging, but I feel fortunate to have secured not one, but two positions. Despite the obstacles, I am content with the outcome.
This is merely the beginning of a long journey, and I am profoundly grateful to SOPA for guiding my life onto a brighter path.
Story written by Chandra Bahadur Shahi, SOPA Atlantic Canada client
Story edited by Albina Ziatdinova, SOPA Online Community and Social Media Monitor and Cynthia Wang, Atlantic Facilitator, Job Search Strategies & Cultural Communications, SOPA
Approved to immigrate to Canada? Join SOPA!
Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) is an Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) funded program that delivers free pre-arrival services for job readiness, success and retention.
It is my promise and commitment to overcome the uncertainties of this new journey! Thank you, SOPA team, for publishing my story
Inspiring and courageous journey.
Courageous journey from Nepal to Canada. Very informative for all who are planning to migrate indeed!