Posts Tagged ‘Pre-Arrival’
Q&A With SOPA’s Job Search Strategies Graduates
Before coming to Canada it seems one thing that worries most newcomers is how to find their dream job. No wonder that our ‘Job Search Strategies’ course is one of the popular courses among our 5 online courses. In this intensive 6-week course clients work closely with our highly experienced facilitators and receive feedback on…
Read More4 Canadian Job Search Success Stories
Four of our clients Madhavan, Hanzel, Maylyn and Nelson immigrated to Canada and soon after arrival found job in the field related to their work in their home country. Before coming to Canada they went through the SOPA program and today they are talking about how they started preparing for their move and what steps…
Read MoreHow SOPA Is Preparing Me For Canada
Are you approved to immigrate to Canada? Now what? How to prepare before you move to Canada? Nopporn Chanmekha is moving to Canada from Thailand. When he got his approval to immigrate, he signed up for the SOPA program right away. I’ve met Nopporn while he was taking SOPA’s two self-guided courses. SOPA is an…
Read MoreArrive Prepared and Find Success
Every day the SOPA program helps professionals approved to come to Canada prepare for their job search and help them learn about Canadian workplace culture. In January 2017 a few months before coming to Canada Omotola Owoeye registered with the SOPA (Settlement Online Pre-Arrival) program and successfully completed the Job Search Strategies course. Job Search…
Read MorePASS – Pre-Arrival Program for Nurses
The Pre-Arrival Supports and Services (PASS) Program, funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, supports pre-arrival Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) in their countries of residence who are planning immigration to Canada. PASS offers supports and services designed to shorten the time that IENs spend from arrival in Canada to professional registration and employment. The nursing…
Read MoreBefore Boarding a Plane to Canada
“Before arriving in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on October 1st, 2016, my wife and I went through the SOPA program. We heard of the SOPA program through a SOPA client, who had recently arrived in Canada. I am so grateful to have listened to her recommendations about this program! Because our settling in Saskatoon wasn’t difficult, as…
Read MoreBe Better Prepared for Your New Life with Next Stop Canada
On April 1st, 2016, the YMCA of Greater Toronto’s Immigrant Services launched their pre-arrival program Next Stop Canada. Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the program’s primary objective is to provide quality settlement services to new immigrants before they arrive in Canada. The staff at Next Stop Canada, being immigrants themselves, have firsthand…
Read MoreCareer Potential and Communication Skills
Mehul Patel, an IT Professional from India, is currently working as a Projects and Account Manager at Vsourz Digital (a web design and e-commerce digital agency) in Toronto, Ontario. Before landing in Canada, Mehul Patel took SOPA’s Soft Skills: Professional Communication course. Throughout the course, Mehul worked hard, had a positive attitude and always went…
Read MoreOur Own SOPA Client
Our newsletters often have testimonials that explain how SOPA builds a client’s confidence and skills relevant to the Canadian job search and career. One such testimonial came from Manitoba-bound client Echo Duan, but her story of job search and career is a little different. We recently interviewed several qualified candidates for the position of Job…
Read MoreHow I Got a Job in Canada
I learned about SOPA thanks to a message board last year and saved the link in my favorites before even receiving my immigration visa. When I received a notification from IRCC to submit my passports, I went ahead and created an account with SOPA. I only wish I joined SOPA earlier and took all of…
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