Posts Tagged ‘Client Testimonial’
Zongmeng Li: Preparing For The New Journey
I love the opportunity to meet our clients in person, it is the absolute best part of my job as a facilitator with SOPA. When we travelled to Saskatoon in May, I spent the afternoon getting to know Zongmeng better. Zongmeng Li completed all 5 SOPA courses and is an enthusiastic ambassador for the program.…
Read MoreClient Testimonial: Muhammad Imran Hussain Khan
My Name is Muhammad Imran Hussain Khan. I am IT professional with 10+ years’ experience of managing IT infrastructure and Operations in Pakistan. I arrived in Canada with my wife in May 2017 and moved to Regina. Currently, I am working as Senior Technical Analyst IT Security and Integration in Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Before moving to Canada, I…
Read MoreQ&A With SOPA Graduates
We are sharing Q&A interviews with four of our SOPA Atlantic Graduates. Manna, Dhavalkumar, Atinuke and Lucky are all completed our Soft Skills courses with Christine Wall as their facilitator. They are sharing their impressions, thoughts and recommendations. We congratulate Dhavalkumar and Manna for finding jobs in their fields soon after arrival. We thank everyone…
Read MoreClient Testimonial: Seerat Nischal
Seerat Nischal is a dentist from India and just recently arrived in Ontario, Canada. She was able to take advantage of one of SOPA’s two soft skills courses – Professional Communication. This is what Seerat says about the course: “It’s an immense pleasure to share my experience with the course on Soft Skills: Professional Communication. This…
Read MoreMy Biggest Concern Before Canada
Hello Bob, thanks a lot for doing this interview with us. Would you please describe your job before immigrating to Canada. Hello my name is Bob Marlon Vistal. I worked as a production engineer in Philippines for over 7 years. Basically, my job was to control the quality condition of the production lines that I…
Read MoreNewcomer’s Story: Hao Wang
My name is Hao Wang. I have been an IT project manager and consultant for seven years and hold two masters degrees in Finance and Economics. Before landing in Winnipeg in March 2017, I was a client of SOPA (Settlement Online Pre-Arrival). After 6 months of arriving in Winnipeg, I successfully landed a job in…
Read MoreFrom Pre-arrival to Post-arrival to Job
Mussarat Parveen always knew that Canada would be her destination country. She valued its diversity, organization and cultural values. Mussarat speaks many languages and was brought up around many cultures, so she knew she will be comfortable fitting in. Before arriving, Mussarat and her husband Javed found the SOPA program online. They felt that it…
Read More4 Canadian Job Search Success Stories
Four of our clients Madhavan, Hanzel, Maylyn and Nelson immigrated to Canada and soon after arrival found job in the field related to their work in their home country. Before coming to Canada they went through the SOPA program and today they are talking about how they started preparing for their move and what steps…
Read MoreJob Ready Before Coming to Canada
The best thing about SOPA is that it offers its courses before arrival. It is, indeed, a great opportunity that newcomers can arrive prepared. It helps smooth their settlement, and fasten their job search by having Canadian resume and other job search tools ready in hand. So they will get no surprises once they arrive and can integrate earlier to the economy and to the area they settle in.
Read MoreWelcome to Canada: Nimisha & Anirudhya
We always look for ways to support newcomers to Canada, so we teamed up with the SOPA (Settlement Online Pre-arrival) program to deliver complementary pre-arrival services. SOPA program provides free tools, resources and courses. It helps immigrants develop skills for the job search in Canada and improve communication skills for the Canadian workplace. The teamwork between BCCA-IN and SOPA proved to be successful. Success, first and foremost, for the clients.
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