Preparing For the Canadian Job Search

My name is Golam Sarwar, I am a certified professional data analyst with more than 10 years of experience in data analysis, data management and software development field. Before I moved to Canada I worked as a Senior Data Manager in The Gambia (West Africa). I received an MSc in Information Technology from Anglia Ruskin University, in the United Kingdom and a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Khulna University in Bangladesh.

I am currently employed at 3sHealth in Regina as a Data Analyst. It took only one month after landing in Canada to find this job! I interviewed for this job one week after my landing in Regina.

Before I arrived, I enrolled in SOPA’s Job Search Strategies (JSS)- Facilitated course. This course helped me a lot in preparing myself for the Canadian job market. Specifically, I learned how to find job advertisements, prepare a Canadian-style resume, target my resume and cover letter, and prepare for interviews. Before I enrolled in this course I didn’t know much about those areas. I was struggling to prepare my Canadian-style resume and cover letter.

Special thanks to my facilitator of this course, Lisa Williams, who guided me throughout the course on all of those topics and provided feedback on my tasks. That feedback helped me a lot to prepare myself for this job. This course built confidence in me and prepared me for the Canadian job market, especially interview-related modules.

After I enrolled in this course I was immediately learning new areas. I started to implement job searching, prepare my targeted resume and cover letter, and more. I started to apply for different jobs even before I moved to Canada. This helped me a lot to know about job postings, job requirements, and the application process.

How have these strategies helped me? Because I applied for my current job even before I moved to Canada, and got an email inviting me to an interview right after the first day of my arrival in Canada!         

“SOPA totally changed my approach to seeking employment in Canada. Before the JSS course, I didn’t have any idea about the job search approach, preparing soft and hard skills or how to integrate those skills in a resume and cover letter. But after taking this course I became confident in my skills and my job search.”

Golam Sarwar, SOPA SK Client

My tips to newcomers will be to take this course seriously and follow all the course modules, instructions and materials properly. Complete all assignments on time and send them for assessment. Understand the instructor’s feedback and try to implement them in real life. I remember, when I sent my resume for the first time to my instructor (Lisa) she provided a lot of feedback and suggestions to improve this. I changed my resume based on the received feedback and sent it back. Gradually after reviewing my resume two to three times with my instructor, I finally sent it to her and it was an impressive outcome. 

My last piece of advice for newcomers is to learn about soft skills: communication, teamwork, and time management!

Written by Golam Sarwar, SOPA Saskatchewan Client

Golam is a certified professional data analyst with more than 10 years of experience in data analysis, data management and software development field. Golam joined the SOPA program before arriving in Regina, Saskatchewan, where he is settled and working in his field of work.

What is SOPA?

Approved to immigrate to Canada? Join SOPA!

Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) is an Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) funded program that delivers free pre-arrival services for job readiness, success and retention.

Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) is an Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) funded program that delivers free pre-arrival services for job readiness, success and retention.

Are you approved to immigrate to Canada?


  1. Abderrazzak Hakam on 9, September 2023 at 11:53 pm

    Je suis menuisier générale jei fabrique des portes, des fenêtres, des meubles, des chambre à coucher. des parquets, des salons en bois, des maisons en bois, et des pergolas. Elle a travaillé avec des Italiens dans des films américains au Maroc et a travaillé en Italie. Je suis sérieux et j’aime la perfection dans mon travail. J’ai 28 ans d’expérience dans ce domaine.

  2. Abderrazzak Hakam on 9, September 2023 at 11:54 pm

    Je suis reconnaissant d’avoir trouvé cet emploi et je souhaite postuler et travailler à partir de maintenant. J’ai une grande passion pour travailler avec votre entreprise et voyager, et je n’ai aucun problème ni obstacle à quitter mon pays. J’ai joint mon formulaire approprié. CV pour ce poste, merci.

    • Albina Ziatdinova on 11, September 2023 at 7:55 pm

      Thank you for your comment. We help approved immigrants who already went through the immigration journey, received their approval of permanent residence and are waiting to arrive in Canada. We help immigrants during that last step before coming to Canada with information on job search, working, Canadian culture training and settlement in the destined province.

      Here is our eligibility requirements:

      To register go here:

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