Intake Counselling

Prepare for your move to Canada with expert support! Meet with an Intake Counsellor in your destination province to develop a personalized action plan tailored to your unique needs. You’ll also gain access to exclusive SOPA webinars, client-only job fairs, and receive access to SOPA courses and   referrals to post-arrival services to support your settlement and job search journey.

Course Description

At SOPA, we recognize the desire in every newcomer to hit the ground running upon arrival in Canada. Your journey to success in Canada begins with the SOPA Intake and Orientation which is the meeting point between your drive to succeed in your new home and our commitment to helping you arrive prepared to achieve your goals.

We realize that planning your move to Canada can be a tad overwhelming with many questions racing through your mind and a glut of online information to work through on your own. This is why we have provided an experienced and highly resourced SOPA Intake Counsellor in your Canadian province of destination who is waiting to meet with you in a one-on-one virtual session to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with the precise information and support you need for a successful life and career in Canada.

By the end of your information session, you will have your action plan, settlement resources, referrals to our online courses and to a wide range of other post-arrival services. Approved to immigrate to Canada? Arrive prepared by signing up with us today!

Delivery Method

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